Let me set the scene on this engagement session a little bit — I first met Kyle and Chelsea after they won my Black Friday engagement session giveaway. We originally scheduled a date back in January but I’m pretty sure on that day it was something like -20° when you consider windchill. Obviously, we ended up deciding to reschedule and then due to the weather (again!) we ended up having to reschedule one more time. That being said we were very hopeful that the weather was going to cooperate this time around and oh my gosh, it was absolutely beautiful! It was about 50°, which in Minnesota feels more like 70° at this time of year 🤣. The sun was out even though it was supposed to be overcast and it made for an absolutely beautiful evening.
Very shortly after we started I asked Kyle and Chelsea a question: how did you end up choosing each other? After a moment or two Kyle answered the question and just said that their values mesh really well together and they have a very similar belief system. I think that’s such an important thing – for two people to have their core values and beliefs line up.
Speaking of Kyle, I have to give a shout out to one of the best engagement stories that I have heard. I don’t have all of the specific details but the general idea is that Kyle is a flight instructor and has a pilot license and so he took Chelsea up in a plane and he proposed while they were in the air. Now that’s already absolutely incredible but then when they landed, there were their friends and family ready to celebrate their commitment to one another! I get chills thinking about how incredible of an experience and how special that was for both of them.
Now, there is one downside to the nicer weather – you get some frozen/melted snow and ice on the pavement. Kyle and Chelsea were willing to brave the treacherous paths, do anything, and go anywhere – they were an adventurous and a fun couple and it was an absolute blast working with them.
As we are getting closer to the end of the session and I asked them if they had any plans afterwards and I was delighted to hear that they were going to be going out to dinner afterwards. I think it’s such a wonderful idea to turn an engagement session into a date night with dinner before or after the session. I believe Kyle had come straight from work and so I’m sure he was quite ready to go get some dinner after our slightly longer session!
I had a wonderful time getting to meet, converse with, and document the amazing love that they share and I wish them nothing but happiness in their lives together.